The user experience (abbreviated to UX) describes the user experience of a specific product. It reflects experiences as well as sensations and feelings of a person while using a product, especially in the field of digital media.

User experience diagram
User experience diagram

    User experience generally refers to all behaviors and feelings of a person who has them about a certain product. User experience is highly subjective and dynamic: the experience on a website can change constantly with every click. Usability in turn describes the usability of an application in an objective sense. Both terms are closely related: the term user experience extends the concept of usability by both aesthetic and emotional factors. It is an evaluative feeling that arises from an interaction. It can be positive and negative.

Experience feedback
Experience Feedback

Why is UX important?

    UX is one of the central success factors for digital concepts: The user experience determines whether and how long a customer stays with an application or whether he leaves it immediately. The user experience not only affects the direct use of a medium, but also the brand perception and whether a user recommends an application.

   The user experience of a user is often equated with the product itself. The goals of the individual user play an important role: If these are achieved easily and satisfactorily, this is a rewarding experience that is often described as "Joy of Use". This explains why usability is such a crucial factor for a good user experience.

Adobe Software for Web and UX




Adobe XD



Creative Cloud for de desktop





Creative Cloud for de desktop

Spark Page

Spark Post



Creative Cloud for de desktop


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