Digitizing analog processes and securely transporting digital data is a need that has grown steadily in recent years. With Adobe Sign there is a solution that brings the signing of documents and contracts into the electronic world and enables it as a cloud process. This electronic signature replaces its counterpart on paper with minimal effort and thus saves time, costs and valuable resources.


1- Types of E-Signatures

   It has become much easier to sign documents with your smartphone or browser in a legally binding manner with little effort.

    The electronic signature is a simple signature that is sufficient for 90 percent of all business processes. There are two higher levels for the remaining 10 percent of signatures. Namely the advanced and the qualified signature - also called digital signatures.

    The advanced signature must only be assigned to the signatory and he must be able to clearly identify with it. Only the signatory may be able to generate the signature. Proof of identity can thus be used to turn a simple signature into an advanced one. At the time of creation, the qualified signature must be based on a valid qualified certificate from a trust center (e.g. D-Trust).

2- What can E-Signatures be used for?

    Actually for everything that was previously signed by hand on paper, can be done electronically in today's digital age. The simple electronic signature is of higher quality than an e-mail with confirmation of receipt and applies to form-free agreements. This includes documents such as purchase orders, contracts, requests, confirmations...etc.

    Wherever the simple signature is not sufficient, at least an advanced or even qualified signature is required.

3-Adobe E-Signature Software


Document Cloud

Fill & Sign for Mobile

Adobe Sign