As a highly customizable solution, Adobe Analytics is particularly suitable for companies that want to expand and strengthen their online channel.

    Adobe Analytics is the leading enterprise solution in the analytics market: It forms the basis for comprehensive online marketing reporting across all channels. Because the tool is highly customizable and can be linked to countless other online marketing tools.


Adobe Analytics at a glance

    Like other analytics tools, Adobe Analytics measures key figures such as visits, page views or visitors. In addition, the solution offers many more functionalities. That is why we recommend Adobe Analytics especially to companies that want to expand their online channels and analyze them comprehensively.

Data Analytics
Data Analytics

Adobe Analytics offers!

  •  For young and old - regardless of whether it is a multinational company or a national SME: Adobe Analytics supports multiple currencies, enables a cumulative merger of several report suites in a "rollup" suite and offers access to a data warehouse.
  • Proven conversion tracking - Adobe Analytics provides detailed product performance reports and offers the possibility to enrich product features with information from the backend.
  • Robust marketing campaign tracking - Combine Adobe Analytics with data from third-party systems such as product data or campaign costs and thus gain comprehensive insights.
  • Predefined interfaces - For many third-party marketing tools, there are predefined interfaces (especially Adobe Marketing Cloud) that can be activated with just a few clicks.
  • Powerful visualization options - dashboards and reports are highly configurable and can be sent "management-ready" in a variety of ways.

Adobe Analytics benefits

  •  Tailored - With Adobe Analytics you have a solution that is specifically tailored to your needs. The entire reporting can be customized from A-Z.
  • Central online reporting platform - bundle all your online data in one place: By integrating third-party systems, Adobe Analytics can be used as a central online reporting platform.
  • Targeted evaluations - Get dedicated insights into the performance of your marketing campaigns or products in the online shop with Adobe Analytics.
  • Management-ready reports - Even for sophisticated management reporting, you don't need another reporting tool because the dashboard and reporting functions are very diverse.
  • Efficient way of working - With the new workspace module, large data sets can be searched with little time.

Adobe Analytics Software


Analytics Cloud

Audience Manager

Experience Cloud