Creativity is one of those traits that people sound to have a certain understanding of, but if they are to explain them, they will stutter. It's easy to name a number of creative people (John Bunyan, Steve Jobs, Einstein) and the results of creativity (a novel, an invention, a new way of looking at the world), but it's so challenging to understand the real concept behind creativity.

Creativity has no limits

1. What kind of software is PHOTOSHOP?

  •   PS is presently identified as the best general graphic art design software. It has perfect functions, stable performance, and it is easy to use. So, in almost all advertising, publishing, and software companies, Photoshop is the most favored flat tool.

  •  The functions that PS can realize are divided into two primary blocks: the first, is the image processing function, and the second is the drawing function.

  •   Image processing function: Refers to the technique of analyzing images with a computer to accomplish the desired result. Also called picture processing, image processing, photo processing and post-processing.

  •   Image drawing function: create new pictures,  which not only requires users to master the operation of PS, but also has a certain art and painting foundation.

Photoshop is the most wanted

2. What can I do with PHOTOSHOP?

    2.1 Graphic Design:

   Photoshop is generally used in the field of graphic design. Whether it is the book cover we are reading or the posters we see on the street, these flat prints with rich images basically need Photoshop software to process the images.

Graphic Design

  2.2 Fix Photos:

  Photoshop has a powerful image retouching functions. Using these functions, you can quickly repair a broken old photo, and you can also repair defects such as spots on the face.

Old photos retouching

  2.3 Advertising Photography:

   Advertising photography is a very strict job with visual requirements. The final product often needs to be modified by PS to obtain adequate results.

Burger King ad

  2.4 Image Creativity:

  Image creativity is the profession of Photoshop. Through the processing of PS, you can associate objects that are not related to the original style. You can also make a huge change in the image beyond recognition.

Be creative with PS


 2.5 Artistic Writing:

    When the text encounters Photoshop processing, it is already destined to be no longer common. Using PS can make a mixture of text changes, and use these elegantly processed text to add effects to the image.

Make changes to writing

  2.6 Web Production:

  The reputation of the Internet is an important reason that prompts more people to master Photoshop. Because PS is an indispensable webpage image processing software when making webpages.


  2.7 Post Modification of Architectural Renderings:

  In the production of architectural renderings including many three-dimensional scenes, the colors of characters and backgrounds including scenes often need to be added and adjusted in PS.

3D house design

  2.8 Painting:

   Because Photoshop has good drawing and color matching functions, many illustration design makers often use pencils to draw drafts, and then use PS coloring method to draw illustrations. In addition, the most popular pixel paintings in recent years are mostly created by designers using Photoshop.

Photoshop painting pic

  2.9 Draw or Process 3D Posters:

   In 3D software, if you can make a good model, you can't apply realistic maps to the model, and you can't get a better rendering effect. In fact, in the production of materials, in addition to relying on the software itself to have a material function, it is also very important to use Photoshop to produce suitable materials that are not available in 3D software.

3D drawing

  2.10 Wedding Photo Design:

   More and more wedding photo studios are now using digital cameras, which has made the processing of wedding photo designs an emerging industry.

  2.11 Visual Creativity:

   Visual creativity and design is a branch of design art. Such design usually does not have a very obvious commercial purpose, but because it provides a broad design space for design lovers, more and more designers begin to learn PS, and carry out visual creativity with personal characteristics and style.

  2.12 Icon Making:

   Although using Photoshop to make icons feels a bit overkill, the icons made with this software are indeed very beautiful.

Use PS to create your icons

  2.13 Interface Design:

  Interface design is an emerging field, which has been paid more and more attention by software companies and developers. Although it has not yet become a brand-new profession, it is believed that a professional interface designer profession will soon appear. At present, there is no professional software for interface design, so most designers use PS.

User interface - Android Play Store-

After reading this article, what do you think about Photoshop ?